Jezus komt spoedig

Ik ben de Weg, de Waarheid en het Leven. Niemand komt tot de Vader dan door Mij. – Joh. 14:6


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53 berichten op 11 pagina's
Kobus Van driel
23-07-24 18:00:15
Stop met deze onnozele bangmakerij en stop vooral met die rommel door mijn brievenbus gooien. Je moet je kapot schamen dat je deze onzin verkondigd.
Jesus Christ
02-03-24 22:57:33
You go to the church, you kiss the cross
You will be saved at any cost
You have your own reality
You spend your life just kissing ass
A trait that's grown as time has passed
You think the world will end today
You praise the Lord, it's all you say

Jesus saves, listen to you pray
You think you'll see the pearly gates
When death takes you away

For all respect you cannot lust
In an invisible man you place your trust
Indirect dependency
Eternal attempt at amnesty
He will decide who lives and dies
Depopulate Satanas rise
You will be an accessory
Irreverence and blasphemy

Jesus saves, no need to pray
The gates of pearl have turned to gold
It seems you've lost your way

Jesus saves, no words of praise
No promised land to take you to
There is no other way
Lucifer fel from Grace
02-03-24 22:53:27
Your plastic souls melt within cauldron's burning bright
Chanting to the Ancient Ones, chants of broken lines
Kneel before the altar, sacrifice is made
It is pleasing to the ones most ancient of the days

They call the prince of disease, messenger of the Absu
Carry through icy winds our curse upon their church

Hanging helpless above the pentagram
Sacrifice swings within the leather noose
Sing the ancient hymn that makes the Absu roll
Raise the rusty knife and let loose the blood of Kingu

Sudden death throws off the balance that's within the sky
Priest calls forth infernal names to the ones beyond the gate

Angel of disease one who shuns the light
Shub Niggurath goat with a thousand young

Praise the beast, the chanting grew
Praise the beast with virgin blood
Praise the beast with soul and mind
Praise the beast and do the sign

Bind their kings in iron chains
Execute the judgement for them
Come and taste the earthly pleasures
Orgies of endless time

Beneath the rolling fog hate ignites their minds
From their graves the dead will rise to answer Nammtar's call
Upon a twisted cross the virgin corpse hangs
They blacken out the sun and burn the elder gods

Priests of chaos calling forth
Abominations of the pit
Cthulhu meets in the void
Ancient Ones rule once more
Satan Licifer
02-03-24 22:48:24
Dank jullie voor jullie kaartje in mijn brievenbus.. Ik ben blij jullie mooie site te zien en dus alle zonden waar jullie over spreken prima in praktijk brengen. Ik kan al jullie zieltjes namelijk prima gebruiken in hel..... och ja... daar zijn jullie al.
29-12-23 17:07:41
Als "die-hard" atheïsten jaren lang reclamefolders
in de bus krijgen van winkels waar zij nooit komen dan hoor je ze niet. Als zij een keer een evangelisatie folder in de bus krijgen terwijl zij nooit in de kerk komen, dan slaan ze op tilt en worden ze des "duivels". Kun je na gaan wat een "kracht" er in de naam Jezus is.
Tonen: 5  10   20